A few years ago People Magazine published an article entitled "Dead Ahead" telling about a new clock that keeps track of how much time you have left to live. It calculates an average life span of 75 years for men & 80 years for women. So you program your sex & age into the clock, & from then on it will tell you how much time you have left. It sold for $99.95.
I didn’t buy one. But it is an intriguing idea. In fact, that’s what the Psalmist told us to do - to number our days.
So if I live to be 75 years old, I have about 2,345 days left to live. That’s all, just 2,345 days left to live. But wait a minute. I don’t have a guarantee of even one day more to live.
In fact the Bible tells us not to count on tomorrow because tomorrow may not come for you or for