I thought of a book I read years ago in German class. We were assigned the task of reading the Famous Novel by Franz Kafka entitled “The Metamorphosis”. It was about a young man who woke up one day and realized he had been transformed into, of all things, a large Roach. The story line of the book is how his life dramatically changed. You can only imagine how much it changed. The first thing he had to do was run for his life, because his own mother and family member were trying to kill him. You can imagine. He knew who they were but they had no idea who he was.
When we become Christians, we too undergo a metamorphosis, Not from one species to another but even more dramatically from an child of the world to a child of God. We are not transformed as much as we are transfigured like Jesus was. Our bodies and souls are changed and become “Glorified”, Much as Jesus was glorified on the mount of Transfiguration.
Ending Tie in:
In the novel “The Metamorphosis” the main character Gregor is changed from a man to a roach. He dies in that form. In life we are changed from dreadful, hopeless sinners to glorious Sons of God. As I have been telling Becky all along through her present illness, “There is a Better Day Ahead for us all. And that goes for you and me as well. God is with us. What more can we ask?
Let us be strong in the Lord because we have hope. The hope that is Jesus Christ as he was revealed to us on the mount of Transfiguration. God is with us! Amen