Let me share from an email I got from the Navigators about their summer outreach with college students: “This past summer, the students had over 700 gospel conversations with strangers. From those discussions, 22 people gave their lives to Christ and were connected with local churches.
For one student, Ethan, sharing his faith on the beach led to a renewed heart for evangelism back home. At the beginning of the summer, Ethan was nervous about sharing his faith with strangers. After sharing his feelings with Adam, Adam gave him a challenge: “Do it scared.”
His first day on the beach, Ethan was terrified. However, the Lord showed up, and Ethan ended up leading a man to Christ. Ethan went back to Northwest Missouri State University this fall semester with a new energy for sharing the gospel with his friends. Since then, he has led four guys on his cross-country team to Christ.” https://www.navigators.org/blog/how-to-build-boldness-sharing-the-gospel-in-jacksonville/