Did anyone else see the comet during the week, Comet Atlas 3G? Janaki and I went out to Titahi Bay to see it, thankfully we had another dad and daughter park near us who could point it out, otherwise we might not have seen it. The power of their witness was in instructing us where to look. Regarding the comets light, they had seen it, we hadn’t but did because of their testimony. Who is Jesus in regard to light? (Question) What does he say? ”I am the light of the World.” John 8:12.

While we were looking for the comet, we saw the light of the Sun that bounced off the planet Venus reflected off the sea, in the same way people should be able to see that light of God reflected off us. It’s part of our role in living victoriously to point others towards Jesus, and as my illustration about the comet points out they may already be looking for Jesus, wanting spiritual victory.

Another interesting aspect of this story is that as we were leaving in the car we saw a couple gazing off into space and could see that they were looking into the wrong bit. So we were able to share where they too could find the light of the comet. Sharing results in seeing and understanding.