“The strenuous Christian mandate to extend unconditional love towards those that hate you is a fatiguing duty for the soldiers of the cross of Christ! In the heat of a damning spiritual warfare, when the spiritual defensive battlefronts are diminishing, the fleshly armaments derived from the human reservoirs of self-love will with certainty fail. Thanks be to our Father-God for His unlimited and refreshing springs of spiritual love. For God’s source of love are pure and available to every child of the King. It is under every potential circumstance of life in which His love can be found. It is not a love which must be drawn with great difficulty. It is not a love that springs from a stagnated well of putrid fallibility. For the love of God can be unceasingly showered from the heavenly heights and descend upon humanity like springtime rain. For God’s love is made possible through the perfected merciful nature of God the Father. God’s love is made attainable through the redemptive, reconciling, and sacrificial blood atonement of God the Son. God’s love is distributed through the permeating, sealing and intercessory advocacy of God the Holy Spirit. Without the promise of such supernatural love, the inferior, substandard and rudimentary self- generated fleshly love is unequivocally destined for total incompetency!” (David Tack. October 27, 2013).