When Israelites were oppressed by the Midianites, God came to Gideon and said “Go in this might of yours and deliver Israelites”. God did not bestow on Gideon any additional or greater strength and wisdom, but said that the existing might of his was sufficient to deliver the Israelites. So many times in our difficult situations, the existing strength deposited by God in our lives is sufficient enough to overcome our difficult situations. We don’t require any additional strength, encounter or might from God to overcome our difficult situations.

Gideon had potential in himself to deliver Israelites, but was tricked by the enemy( Satan or self) into believing that God was not with him and was not equipped for the task. In difficult times, the enemy is usually self, not Satan. Self manipulates our thoughts and minds. The self is focused and evaluates things based on external events that are occurred in the past and present, whereas the Spirit of God evaluates things from God's overall plan for our lives.

Ask God about a difficult situation, whether the enemy has tricked you or not? If God says enemy is tricking you, “Go in the might of yours” to overcome your difficult situations. Don't allow the enemy deceive you into believing that God is far away and that you are unprepared to handle the difficult situation.