The New Testament church (during Pentecost) did not have good instruments, equipment’s, music, and large buildings, but they had the fire of the Holy Spirit. This fire produced many miracles and wonders. When the shadow of disciples fell on people, they were healed. There was fire in the preachers, in the pulpits, and in the congregation. Fire was everywhere and in abundance. This fire was contagious, and a person with this fire spreads it to everyone around him. Satan found it impossible to extinguish this fire. People with this fire cannot hide it. The disciples did not take money with them(on their travel), but rather they took this fire with them. In this generation the fire of the Holy Spirit is missing. The church is doing lot of activities without the fire of the Holy Spirit, resulting in very little fruit. What we need to get back is the fire of the Holy Spirit and start doing things with the fire of the Holy Spirit.