I was sitting on my deck at home one day this week having a brief devotional with the Lord. I looked up into a tree and saw a very small bird, a tiny yellow finch. I looked at him, and he looked at me. He was perched there without a care in the world, feeling safe and sound on his God-given turf. There were predators on the ground that could have devoured him if he were on their turf.

This finch was safe because he used the equipment God had given him (two-wings) to fly up into that tree, and he stayed in the scope God had assigned to him. God has given us armor that will keep us safe if we put it on. And there is safety in simply operating in the assignment God gives you (2 Cor. 10:13).

Included in Richard Tow's sermon entitled "Ready for Anything (Part 4: Going on the Offensive)."