Just as the Israelites have accepted that it was impossible to defeat Goliath, who kept on mocking and defying Israelites for 40 days, morning and evening, causing dismay and great fear. So many times we also have accepted that it’s difficult to defeat the Goliath-sized difficulties or prayer requests that mocks and irritate us for days or months, causing us to live in fear.

Goliath mocked Israelites until he encountered a young boy whose faith and trust in an unseen God is greater and powerful than the Goliath in front of him. Until we rise up raise up by keeping faith in God, there will be some Goliath mocking us and creating fear. Either we trust and keep complete faith in God, or the enemy raises some Goliath’s to mock us and create fear. By faith and trust in God, you must defeat your own Goliath in life. As part of God's plan for your life, all Goliaths have to fall.