Here is a wee question, is struggling with God a bad thing? Where is a person's character developed? Did the saints of God become saints before or without struggling with God, without responding to those things in the scriptures or the words of Jesus that offended them, before they repented of their sins, before they turned their heads and lives in a different direction to the one, they had previously been heading in. You can guarantee they struggled but were also fully encompassed in God’s word, listening to Jesus, and responding to his leading.

Did the Holy Spirit come to the Church before the disciples were scattered, before Peter denied Christ, before they were all gathered in the upper room in fear?

We all know that the answer is no. The truth is that if you are struggling with God, with any aspect of faith you are on a journey of faith and witness to others. Jacob was as I mentioned last week a good part of his way through his life when he “came to faith” up until that time he was aware of Abraham and Isacc’s God, but God was not his...that relationship was not established from his perspective.