He loved my mother dearly.

Mom often told me so

As she filled me in on things about

The dad I didn’t know.

He never knew a stranger, and

Kind deeds he’d always show;

His smile revealed the caring of

The dad I didn’t know.

His death came unexpectedly

The day his heart let go;

We children all felt cheated of

The dad we didn’t know.

He missed so much and never got

To see his family grow.

One picture's all I have now, of

The dad I didn’t know.

I pray that I can give my kids,

(In the time that’s mine below),

The love I missed and longed for from

The dad I didn’t know.

This poem reflects some thoughts about my father who died when I was very young. He passed early one morning; our family was caught off guard. We never had the chance to say goodbye, for an abrupt heart attack had taken him away. I have often longed for the opportunity to spend just a few minutes with him, but sadly, on earth, it shall never be. I have allowed this reminder to motivate me to be a better father and make the most of the life God has given me. May it touch your heart in some small way, Loyd.

©Loyd C Taylor, Sr. – June 2009

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Exodus 20:12