This one guy seemed to be very concerned about pleasing his dad. The story goes like this…

One day a young boy was driving a load of hay to the market. He came around a corner too fast and his trailer load of hay tipped over. The young man stopped the tractor, jumped out and began to frantically try to reload the hay. A neighboring farmer who had witnessed the event came over and told the young man to slow down. The boy answered, “My Dad wouldn’t like it.” The neighbor said, just leave it, take a break, relax a bit. The young man said, “My Dad wouldn’t like.” The neighbor and told him it would not take too long and afterwards he would help this boy reload the grain onto his trailer. The boy finally agreed and went into the house for lunch.

The lunch was wonderful and was exactly what he needed. When the farmer and the boy went out of the house, the farmer asked why the boy kept saying that his dad would not like it.

The boy replied, “Well, my father is under the trailer!”

This is not original, but something I used in a recent sermon.