Two warships with the largest full-load displacement in the world are the US Navy aircraft carriers.
The USS Nimitz and Dwight D. Eisenhower weigh about 91,400 tons. They are 1,092 feet in length overall and have a speed well in excess of 30 knots with their nuclear-powered 280,000 horsepower reactors. Their complement is 6,100 men and women.
The total cost of the Eisenhower commissioned on October 18, 1977, exceeded $2 billion excluding the more than 90 plus aircraft carried.
As immense as these two ships are they are both turned by one man at the helm controlling a rudder 1/1000th the size of the ship. A tiny rudder controls the course of these great ships.
Our tongue has great influence because of the direction it sets (James 3:2-4). James gives us two illustrations of the power of the tongue to direct the course of events (a bit and rudder). The tongue is a small part of the body but can exert great influence on the direction of lives.
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