Thomas Constable points out that there are 6 different kinds of preaching described in the New Testament:

(1) kerugma, which means proclamation of the clear facts of the Christian message.

(2) didache or teaching. This was explanation and interpretation of the facts-the "so what?"

(3) paraklesis, exhortation to apply the message.

(4) homilia, the treatment of a subject or area of life in view of the Christian message.

(5) prophesia, the sharing of a word from God be it new revelation or old.

(6) apologia, a defense of the Christian message in the face of hostile adversaries.

Often the speaker combined two or more of these kinds of address into one message as Peter did in the sermon that follows. Here we find defense (Acts 2:14-21), proclamation (Acts 2:22-36), and exhortation (Acts 2:37-41). (Acts 2 Commentary).

Application? Don't misjudge a pastor who uses different forms of presenting the truth of God's Word. There is too much division in the Body of Christ over style instead of substance.

- Precept Austin