"The history books are full of stories of gifted persons whose talents were overlooked by a procession of people until someone believed in them. To name a few ...
"Einstein was four years old before he could speak and seven before he could read". Einstein became one of the greatest physicists who ever lived.
"Isaac Newton did poorly in grade school." Newton, like Einstein was one of the smartest people of his day as a scientist.
"A newspaper fired Walt Disney because he had "no good ideas" Listen to the rest of the story about Mr. Disney. "It is reported that Walt Disney was not only a remarkable man but also a remarkably happy man. Somewhere recently there was a story about his early years. When he started out in Kansas City, he couldn’t sell his cartoons. Some hinted that he had no talent. Disney had a dream, so he set out to conquer his foes. He found a minister who paid him a small amount to draw advertising pictures for his church. Disney had no place to stay, so that the church let him sleep in the mouse-infested garage. One of those mice which Disney nicknamed Mickey, became famous---as the world knows. How satisfying life must have been for Disney when he remembered the hard struggle from lean years spent in a church garage."
"Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college." It was later on that he wrote the literature classic that we know as "War And Peace".
"Werner von Braun failed ninth grade algebra." Later in life he became a rocket engineer.
All of these people succeeded because they were willing to take the risk and invest themselves and apply their God-given talents.