While Jesus was and is a man, He was and is also God. What does the Bible say?
• He is omnipresent – Matt, 18:20; Matt. 28:20
• He is omnipotent – Matt. 28:18; Heb. 1:3
1. Over disease – Matt. 4:23
2. Over Satan – Heb. 2:14
3. Over demons – Matt. 8:16
4. Over men – John 17:2
5. Over nature – Matt. 8:26-27
6. Over sin – 1 John 3:5
7. Over traditions – Matt. 15:2-3
8. Over the Sabbath – Matt. 12:8
9. Over the temple – Matt. 12:6
10. Over death itself
a. Physical death – Luke 7:14-15; Luke 8:54-56; John 11:43. Ill. John 11:25-26
b. Spiritual death – John 5:24
• He is omniscient – John 16:30
1. He knew the fickleness of the crowds – John 2:23-25
2. He knew the wickedness of the scribes and Pharisees – Matt. 9:3-4
3. He knew the problem of his disciples – Luke 9:46-47
4. He knew the whereabouts of Nathanael – John 1:48
5. He knew the history of the Samaritan woman – John 4:29
6. He knew the true nature of Judas – John 6:70; John 13:11
• He received worship – Matt. 4:10
1. From the angels – Heb. 1:6
2. From the Wise Men – Matt. 2:11
3. From a leper – Matt. 8:2
4. From a Jewish ruler – Matt. 9:18
5. From a heartbroken mother – Matt. 15:25
6. From the mother of James and John – Matt. 20:20
7. From the maniac of Gadara – Mark 5:6
8. From the man born blind – John 9:38
9. From Thomas – John 20:28
10. From the women at the empty tomb – Matt. 28:9
11. From his disciples – Matt. 14:33
• He forgives sin – Mark 2:5
• He possesses all authority – Matt. 7:29
• He is the source of life itself – John 5:26
• He is Creator of all things – John 1:3; Col. 1:16
• He is preserver of all things – Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3
• He alone can meet all our needs – John 7:37
• He receives our prayers – Acts 7:59
• He is the final judge – Matt. 25:31-32; John 5:22; Rev. 20-11-15