Certainly the story of Samson and the prostitute of Gaza stands as a cautionary tale to all of us. Here are some of the obvious lessons:

1) Just because we think we have conquered a certain sin doesn’t mean it will stay conquered forever.

2) The price of long-term spiritual victory is continued vigilance coupled with self-discipline and regular accountability.

3) God sometimes lets us suffer the consequences of our sin as a means of grace so that when we are humbled, we will return to him with a truly broken heart.

4) A healthy sense of our own sinfulness and an honest admission of our weakness can protect us from foolish mistakes and stupid choices.

5) A lifetime of obedience can be ruined in a moment of sinful passion.

6) If we think that we are somehow immune to certain temptations—and that what others have done we would never do—we are arrogant, self-righteous fools. We may be in greater danger than the people we criticize.

7) God lets some people fall so that others will learn not to sin.