A skeptic sneeringly said, "The gospel has lost its power. While thousands profess Christ, nothing much is happening as a result." But it's not the fault of the gospel. It's because people make a profession but have no possession. It's not enough to acknowledge the truth of the gospel and say, "Lord, Lord" (Lk. 6:46). Our lives must be transformed.
A preacher was walking down a street when he met the owner of a company that made soap. As they talked, the soap maker said, "The gospel you preach can't be very good for there are still a lot of wicked people."
The preacher noticed a child nearby making mud pies. The tot was smeared with dirt from head to toe. The preacher said to his friend, "Your soap can't be very good, for there is still a lot of dirt in the world."
The man responded, "Well, it cleanses only when a person uses it." "Exactly!" said the preacher.
ARE YOU A PROFESSOR OR POSSESSOR? Is your faith real--not merely an outward profession, but an inward transformation of your heart?