Robert E. Coleman wrote the book, The Master's Plan of Evangelism, and gave us the principles that Jesus used to spread the Gospel around the world until He returns. Here is the list:
1. SELECTION: “He chose from the twelve.” (Luke 6:13)
2. ASSOCIATION: The principle of Association is about “being together”. . Christ’s whole ministry evolved around them.
3. CONSECRATION: The Principle of consecration is one of obedience. All the disciples were asked to do was to follow Jesus. Jesus expected obedience.
4. IMPARTATION: He gave them His Spirit for power to do the ministry.
5. DEMONSTRATION: He modeled the Kingdom to His disciples.
6. DELEGATION: We are to encourage ministry by making specific assignments, which utilize gifts and skills.
7. SUPERVISION: The principle of supervision calls disciples to accountability.
8. REPRODUCTION: The principle of reproduction anticipates fruitfulness in the life of the follower. We are called to make disciples who will, in turn, make disciples.