
I wanted to be the best you ever had.

Now, I am a lonesome, loathsome cad.

I once drank in Your holy truth.

Now, I drown myself in gin and vermouth.

I told others of the sacrifice you gave.

Now, it is my soul You need to save.

I sang the power of the Blood

Then dragged you Name through the mud.

Even though my shame is a continual burn,

Like Peter, to whom else can I turn?

I contemplate the wasted years

Hanging my head in bitter tears.

Doctrine and verses can be placed into a head.

Promises and vows can be easily said.

Man gave me my theology and degree.

Father, make Yourself real to me.

Lord, upon Your Name and Son I am callin'!

Only you can raise me from this pit where I've fallen.

I've read of Your eternal love and grace.

Lord, let me see Your precious face!

Sep 24, 1994 RES