Proverbs 3:5-8

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding for support.

6 In all your habits acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight

7 Don’t look at yourself as wise—fear God and leave evil

8 It will bring health to umbilical cord and refreshment to your bones


Trust and belief are intertwined.

Around 1855, When Charles Blondin, an acrobat & tightrope walker, claimed he could walk from one side of Niagra Falls to the other on a rope, some people thought it was impossible. Without a net, the crossing would be treacherous at best. But crowds came and paid to watch him make the attempt. Before crossing he asked the crowd “Do you believe I can wbalk across to the other side” the crowd yelled “we believe!” He said “do you believe I can cross with a man on my back?” The crowd yelled “we believe!”

“So”, Bondin said, “Who will volunteer to take the trip on my back?” You could have heard a pin drop, if Niagra weren’t so loud. Finally one man raised his hand and said “I Believe!” and he climbed on Blondin’s back & the two crossed Niagra together. The man was Harry Colcord, Blondin’s manager. He trusted Blondin’s strength and ability with all his heart.

There is a difference between believing in God and trusting Him with all your heart. When you trust Him whole-heartedly, you can submit all your ways to Him, and trust Him for the outcome. The world says “fight back”, the LORD says “turn the other cheek”. The world says “Be proud of yourself” the LORD says “he who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted”. The world says “pursue your passion” the Lord says “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done”. In all our ways, all our habits, we have to seek to NOT follow the ways people behave on TV (k. Hula, Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter-whatever), or even the way we see our family behave. We have to look to Him for our example, as Paul exhorted Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5)

But following the LORD is something we see so few doing. It’s difficult for us to follow an example we read about, and Person we pray too, and easier for us to follow the example of the people we live with and interact with on a daily basis.

It does not good to say you believe in God. As James said “the demons also believe and tremble” (James 2). It does not good to say you trust in God if you are not willing to align your habits of thought and behaviour to His standard of love and kindness and grace and truth and wisdom.

He can carry us over to the other side.

Let’s climb on & enjoy the view & the ride.

Prayer for Today


Teach us to look to You as our Example.

Teach us to trust in You with all our hearts, to obey You in all our ways

To follow You wherever you go

To lean on You when we are weak

To humble ourselves before You when we are tempted to be proud.

To be like You in humility, smallness, grace, gentleness, and wisdom

Make our paths straight, keep us on the straight and narrow road

In the Name of Him Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus
