Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 30, 2008
“Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation spends millions of dollars regularly since 1999 on television and other forms of media advertising offering the free book, “Power for Living”. Non-denominational pastor and author Jamie Buckingham wrote the book. DeMoss’ business reached half a billion dollars in more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 30, 2008
based on 1 rating
I read a story of a woman involved in bitter fighting with her husband. Seeking professional help she was asked by the counselor, "Have you tried heaping coals of fire on his head?" to more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 25, 2008
based on 2 ratings
“Teens these days are highly ‘spiritual,’ but they are not very religious, nor are they naturally inclined to embrace Christianity as their faith of choice. They are, after all, the first generation of Americans (same can be said of Canadians) to be raised without the culturally established more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 25, 2008
I pray to him, make my requests of him, unload my problems to him; why, I even sing glorious songs and raise my hands in his name. But is there a chance that I still don’t know the full extent of this more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 2, 2008
Glandion Carney and William Long – book, “Trusting God Again”. Carney tells the story of 11 year-old Ron, an HIV patient. In speaking of trust, Carney writes, “Ron’s struggle was not simply to get better physically, but also to trust more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 2, 2008
What can you do when God seems invisible and you can’t find him it seems or feel him? Ruth Graham can tell us how. Broken marriage & family. Wrote of trusting God in “In every pew sits a broken heart”: “I came to a point where I saw the need to let go even of my questions. I would not have all the more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 2, 2008
Scholar William Barclay notes of Jesus, “He is not [at God’s right hand] to be our prosecuting counsel but more
Salvation Army
NO HAY DIOS (Translation follows)
El sistema escolar le dice a los niños: “No hay Dios”
* El humanismo es un sistema de pensamiento que se centra en los seres humanos, en sus valores y capacidades, además de su “habilidad” de poder vivir apartado de Dios.
El Humanismo defiende constantemente more
Salvation Army
Yo Hago Lo Que Yo Quiero
(Translation follows)
Irresponsabilidad, inconciencia, falta de valores morales,
* El modelo de Dios de un matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer está siendo cambiado por el mundo.
* La homosexualidad, los transexuales, los modos de vivir pervertidos, more
Salvation Army
La Televisión, Internet, Cine, video, etc. (Translation follows)
* La televisión describe un mundo donde existen diversos modos de vivir, nos “invita a escoger” el modo que mas nos acomode. En el programa “Friends” La familia se compone de varias parejas en unión libre y amigos que tienen more
Salvation Army
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Un hombre recién casado miraba a su mujer cocinar un estofado de res, quedando sorprendido al ver que su esposa cortaba un trozo grande de la carne y lo tiraba a la basura. Rápidamente pregunto porque hacia eso, a lo cual ella solo contestó “así lo hace mi madre, así lo hago yo”
El hombre more
Salvation Army
En las olimpiadas de México 68’ un americano llamado Dick Fosbury implantó un record mundial de salto de altura, ganando la medalla de oro. Lo particular del salto de este atleta es que no saltó de frente como todo mundo lo había hecho hasta entonces, sino que saltó hacia atrás. Cuando los críticos more
Salvation Army
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Un documental en la televisión trató del Leopardo Cazador que vive en las llanuras de África central. Este animal sobrevive persiguiendo a sus víctimas con un gran empujón de energía corriendo hasta 113 kilómetros por hora. Pero este hermoso animal tiene un problema, se cansa rápidamente. Dentro de more
Salvation Army
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Un evangelista fue a una iglesia a predicar, allí se encontraba un niño de 10 años, y le pregunta el predicador al niño: ¿Quién es tu papá? Mi papa es el mejor pastor de todo el mundo, contesto el niño. Escuchando el pastor de la iglesia al niño, le dice: Niño no digas mentiras, la verdad es que tu more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Feb 16, 2008
Have you had the experience of being asleep late at night, when everyone is gone to bed, the lights are out and suddenly you hear banging on the door? You shock out of your slumber and wonder what in the blazes is going on? Who would dare knock at this hour of the night? And you’re not sure if more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Feb 16, 2008
Too often our praying is characteristic of the little boy’s prayer I read about. He prayed, "Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 28, 2008
A well dressed woman was on an African Safari that stopped in a leper hospital. The air was humid and sticky. Flies buzzed in frenzy. The woman noticed a nurse bending toward a patient, attending a leper’s pus-filled sores. The woman said, “I wouldn’t more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 28, 2008
I pulled into the Zeller’s parking lot on Thursday. A young man was changing a tire. I went along to ask if things were okay (after all, I can’t prepare for today and not demonstrate the heart of being a Good Samaritan). He told me he was simply removing the ‘dummy’ tire and replacing it with the more
Salvation Army