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  • The Definition Of Me

    Contributed by Scott Berry on Jul 21, 2011

    THE DEFINITION OF ME Quote from the movie 'Spanglish' - "I've been overwhelmed by your encouragement to apply to your university and your list of scholarships available to me. Though, as I hope this essay shows, your acceptance, while it would thrill me, will not define more

  • Marriage And Discipleship: Love In Action

    Contributed by Scott Berry on Aug 14, 2009

    MARRIAGE AND DISCIPLESHIP: LOVE IN ACTION If a groom said ‘I wanna scrap that ‘forsake all others bit’, I’ll have a few affairs but it’ll be ok – I’ll come home to you most nights’ - its not acceptable. Marriage is not about emotion or what you get from the other – its a commitment, a decision to more

  • How Many Times Would You Forgive Your Dog?

    Contributed by Scott Berry on Aug 13, 2009

    HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU FORGIVE YOUR DOG? Think for a minute, how forgiving would you be as if your pet messed the carpet several times a day? I think eventually you’d give up on your pets and take them out into the wilderness and set them free, you know what I mean - dump them. God’s love and more