Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 15, 2007
William Barclay wrote: “For most of us the threat of life is not so much that we should plunge into disaster, but that we should drift into sin. There are few people who deliberately and in a moment turn their backs on God; there are many who day by day drift farther and farther away from him. more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 15, 2007
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The American Cancer Society has saved countless lives by educating the public about the “7 Warning Signs of Cancer.” And those 7 signs are:
· Unusual bleeding or discharge
· Lump or thickness in breast or elsewhere
· Sore that does not heal
· Change in bowel or bladder habits
· Persistent more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 15, 2007
Ingmar Bergman is a celebrated Swedish filmmaker. He tells the story of how one day he was listening to the works of classical composer Igor Stravinsky. As he was listening to the music, he began to daydream about a 19th-century cathedral. He said that he found himself wandering around the great more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 15, 2007
The Farley Post Office building in New York City has these words inscribed on it: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” That motto was actually used in ancient times to describe the Persian couriers in 500BC. more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Feb 14, 2007
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Pastor Charles Stanley—who is an author and Bible teacher—tells this story from his seminary days. He writes: “One of my most memorable seminary professors had a practical way of illustrating the concept of grace for his students. At the end of his evangelism course he would hand out the exam more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Feb 10, 2007
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The impact of Jesus on history is eloquently captured in a short literary piece entitled One Solitary Life. Perhaps you’ve heard it before. It reads this way:
“Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the Child of a peasant woman. He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty, and more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Feb 10, 2007
Jesus knew He was going to die. Jesus always lived in the shadow of the cross.
William Holman Hunt was a 19th-century British painter. One of his paintings shows the interior of a carpenter’s shop. Joseph and the young man Jesus are working inside. The painting shows Jesus pausing from His more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jan 29, 2007
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In his book The Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer writes, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion, and man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jan 29, 2007
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A medieval monk name Brother Lawrence wrote a series of letters to a friend. Those letters were compiled into a book entitled Practicing The Presence of God. And in it, Lawrence encourages us to practice the presence of God—to more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Dec 11, 2006
Charles Fuller was a radio Bible teacher years ago. He once announced that he would be speaking the following Sunday on the topic of “Heaven.” During that week, he received a letter from an elderly gentleman who was very ill—on his deathbed. The man wrote: “Next Sunday you are to talk about more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Dec 11, 2006
Harry Ironside was pastor of Moody Church in Chicago. An elderly man once came to him and said, “I will not go on unless I know I’m saved, or else know it’s hopeless to seek to be sure of it. I want a definite witness, something I can’t be mistaken about!”
Ironside replied, “Suppose you had a more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Dec 11, 2006
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Here is a copy of my birth certificate. [Show document.] My birth certificate indicates that I was born in Rochester, NY in 1955. It objectively testifies to me that that I am a citizen of the United States. I don’t need to ask myself, “Do I feel like a U.S. citizen?” My birth certificate more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 28, 2006
Calvin Coolidge was the 30th president of the United States. He was born in Plymouth, Vermont, on July 4, 1872. And he served as President from 1923-1929. Both his dry wit and brevity with words became legendary. His wife, Grace, told of the time when a young woman was sitting next to Coolidge at more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 28, 2006
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There is a small tree which grows in Southeast Asia known as the Judas-tree. From its branches grow gorgeous blossoms. These blossoms look like scarlet sunbeams. The brilliant beauty of the crimson flowers attracts thousands of tiny insects. Wild bees also try to draw honey from their more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 23, 2006
My in-laws—Harold and Dorothy Wills—retired here to the Bloomsburg area back in 1987. They knew of Bloomsburg because their daughter, Kathy, married Charlie and Kay Dyer’s son, Charlie. Barb and I were living in Washington, DC when Barb’s parents moved to Bloomsburg. And so we would make an more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 23, 2006
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Persecution shouldn’t come as a shock to us. Jesus forewarned His followers that they would be mistreated and even killed. Listen to how several of the disciples of Jesus died. According to church tradition …
• Matthew suffered martyrdom by being slain with a sword in Ethiopia.
• Mark expired more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jan 17, 2005
But you don’t have to deliberately break the rules to be disqualified. It’s possible to unintentionally break the rules and still be disqualified. At the ’88 Summer Olympics there was an American boxer named Anthony Hembrick. He was disqualified from competition because he didn’t show up at the more
Contributed by Doug Lyon on Sep 15, 2004
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, last year—in 2003—there were 2,187,000 couples that got married in the United States. And the Center reports that there were 1 million couples that divorced last year in more