Suppose that the Super Bowl was being held at Ericsson Stadium (where the Carolina Panthers play but this will fit at any Pro football stadium.) You would love to go, wouldn’t you? What do you need in order to get in? You need a ticket! If you don’t have a ticket, there’s nothing you can do – you more
Edwin Rushworth had been a skeptic all his life. He resolved to read for an hour a day the book that he had so long derided. "Wife," he said, as he looked up from his first perusal, "if this book is right, we are all wrong!" He continued his readings for another week. "Wife," he exclaimed at the more
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In 1982, "ABC Evening News" reported on an unusual work of modern art--a chair affixed to a shotgun. It was to be viewed by sitting in the chair and looking directly into the gun barrel. The gun was loaded and set on a timer to fire at an undetermined moment within the next hundred years. The more
The Lord’s peace fills the soul that delights in Him, and its hunger is blessed with instant satisfaction.
Envision this…a soul freed from a hundred distractions and desires by One Masterful attraction! While all the world is scrambling to explore the thousands of small rivulets, streams and more
It is said that the famous master of a musician, Mendohlson, was visiting one of the historic cathedrals in Central Europe one day and that in this cathedral was a priceless pipe organ. Mendohlson ventured in and happened to find the organist playing the instrument. He asked if he could be more
While in college, my basketball and track coach was a gentleman by the name of Tommie Smith. For Tommie Smith to join the faculty of Oberlin College in 1972 was significant for two reasons. First, there were not many African American faculty members at Oberlin College at all in the early 1970’s, more
Momma growing up would get angry with her children. She would refuse us some requests that we made from her. With feigned tears in our eyes, we would ask, how come we couldn’t go outside? How come we had to do our homework after we got home? How come we couldn’t do like the other kids do – and more
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Consider the unsaved millionaire who comes to the close of a life that afforded him every luxury. Like all unsaved men, he has but one thought… “Life is almost over. Why do I feel as though I have missed something?"
Indeed, a life lived without God misses the whole point of our existence. Man’s more
Life that has failed is tragic…. but even worse is a life that has succeeded, only to find in the end that what was achieved is not GAIN at all, but ASHES. A journey without God breeds a sense of non-fulfillment and disappointment, no more
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ILL.: About 15 years ago I was visiting my wife (we were dating back then) and I was playing with her little sister. As usual she was jumping all over me so we started play wrestling. I had her in a pretend headlock and she couldn’t get out (she was 4).
She called a time out and said she needed to more
It is said that Ole Bull and John Erricson met for the first time in the city of New York, and the great musician said to his new found friend, "Come around and hear me play tonight." The invitation was not accepted. It was given the second time and again was not accepted. The third time Ole Bull more
A couple had adopted a baby boy after trying to have a baby for five years. To their surprise, a short time after the adoption, the mother discovered she was pregnant, and she later gave birth to a boy. One day when the two boys were eight and nine years old, a neighbor came to visit. observing the more
A boy of about 6 or 7 years of age was throwing small rocks at the house one day when he accidentally broke the living room window. His older brother was about 19 years old and he told his dad that he had seen his brother do it, but that it was plainly an accident. He told his dad that if any more
Images are highly influential. They become emblazoned on the wall of our minds and they evoke a wide range of responses. Millions of people will remember the fireman carrying the baby out of the ruins of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Neil Armstrong taking that first step on the moon more
Many years ago the great preacher Harry Emerson Fosdick told of a teenage girl stricken with polio. As he visited with her, she told him about a conversation she’d had with one of her friends, who told her, "Affliction does so color life." To which this courageous young girl agreed, but said that more
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The poet William Blake wrote a poem about Pentecost. Part of the poem says: Unless the eye catch fire, God will not be seen. Unless the ear catch fire, God will not be heard. Unless the tongue catch fire, God will not be named. Unless the Heart more
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The story is told of a group of women that met for Bible study. While studying in the book of Malachi, chapter three, they came across verse three which says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." This verse puzzled the women and they wondered how this statement applied to the more
Consider these famous predictions that underestimated the incredible power of vision.
• Thomas Watson, the chairman of IBM in 1943 said, "I think there is a market for maybe five computers in the world."
• Ken Olson, president and founder of Digital Equipment Corporation said in 1977, "There is more
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James Simpson was a great scientist. Someone asked him, “What is the greatest discovery you ever made?” His humble answer was, “My greatest discovery came when I learned that more