"Times change. God doesn't but times do. we learn and grow, and the world around us shifts, and the Christian faith is alive only when it is listening, morphing, innovating, letting go of whatever has gotten in the way of Jesus and embracing whatever will help
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Pass Your Wisdom
You and I are supposed to be passing wisdom to each other... Here's the good news - every one of you can do that! Every one of you has the potential to pass on wisdom: To help someone grow, to help inspire someone, to champion someone ...to add value to their life. Every one of
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I believe that the Church in America is suffering because too many of us are not growing. We are not allowing God to speak to our lives. We are holding onto sin and attitudes that are not biblical, and we go to church every week, we hear a good message and we go home!!
Listen up church - I have
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Do you remember as a kid being on the playground and choosing teams? I do... I hated it. Anytime we chose teams, I really hated it because I was small as a kid. I almost always got picked last. I wasn’t last, but I was one of the kids that was chose right near the end. “Okay, I’ll take Charles, you
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Does Christ have authority over you? Do you submit to his will for your life? Here’s the real question: Who’s in charge of you? A few years ago a certain bracelet became popular with Christian youth. I’m sure you saw them... WWJD was the inscription, right? I had a police officer friend in Bastrop
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To be saved, one has to understand that I am a sinner, and my sin has separated me from God. I can try to earn my way back to God all I want, or I can realize that is hopeless - nothing I can do can wash away my sin - only Christ’s blood - only his sacrifice is acceptable to God, so I have to give
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God’s attention is focused on you and he will give you peace
When my wife and I are talking I am often guilty of doing something else... Every now and again, I have to hit the pause on the TV, or turn off the radio and ask her to repeat
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John 10:29 “...No one can snatch them from the father’s hand” - we use this with children, right? We hide a penny in our hand and say get it out. God hides
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A blessing is God’s expression of favor on you. In the passage we look at this morning, God commanded his priests to give his people a blessing from him. When I started looking at this passage this week, one image came to mind. It’s sort of funny actually, but a scene from Rocky II came to mind.
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