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  • An Angel Inside

    Contributed by Samuel Wilder on Nov 10, 2008

    AN ANGEL INSIDE I’ve read that Michelangelo, the great sculptor and painter, was pushing a heavy rock up a small incline to his work area so that he could do some sculpting. A neighbor watched him for over an hour as he worked to get this rock in place. Finally he asked, "Michelangelo, why do you more

  • Ideas Of Other People

    Contributed by Samuel Wilder on Nov 10, 2008

    IDEAS OF OTHER PEOPLE Thomas A. Edison, the great inventor, was talking one day with the governor of North Carolina, and the governor complimented him on his inventive genius. "I am not a great inventor," said Edison. "But you have over a thousand patents to your credit, haven’t you?" asked the more

  • God Summons Us To Seek Our Best Creative ...

    Contributed by Samuel Wilder on Nov 10, 2008

    "God summons us to seek our best creative selves. He calls us to become artists of life, seers of truth, creators of new possibilities, and innovative problem solvers. Perhaps by looking at Jesus' life and seeing His creative spirit at work, we can begin to awaken more