Changing Lifestyles Present New Challenge To ... PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 15, 2002 (message contributor)
Changing lifestyles present new challenge to churches
Increasingly segmented lifestyles, religious pluralism and even the "worship wars" within today’s church are among the most significant challenges Robert E. Reccord sees ahead for evangelical Christians in the 21st century. Reccord, president of the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board, in speaking to state evangelism, church planting and media leaders, said Southern Baptists must emulate the capacity for rapid change of the B-52 bomber to be effective in reaching a rapidly changing culture.
The aircraft first flew in 1954 but because it is refitted every four years with the latest technology it is expected to have a life expectancy through 2030. "At every step of the way [the B-52] adapted and changed to meet the conditions, while never losing sight of its mission," Reccord said. "That sounds pretty much like Jesus said you and I ought to be. . . . We must prepare and equip ourselves for the challenges and the opportunities that are out there before us."
One of those challenges, Reccord said, is the modern trend toward segmented lifestyles, much like a newsmagazine is divided into news, entertainment, sports and even religion. Christians are often expected to keep the sacred and secular aspects of their lives separate, he said, when in reality the sacred should be a part of everything.
"If we are going to be the light of the world, we cannot be...
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