Sermon Illustrations


When we are asked about knowing the will of God, we usually hurry to Romans 12:1-2 and give info about the "perfect will of God." But we may be missing something if that is the case. The New Testament was originally written in letters, not in chapter formats. So, we have to keep everything in CONTEXT or we can use any TEXT as a PRE-TEXT to prove anything.

With that understanding, then If you want to know the will of God for your life, you must first understand these four basic principles from Romans 11:33-36, the verses just preceeding Romans chapter 12. If we have violate these four principles, we will never experience the perfect will of God in our lives.

Here are four specific things that God is calling every believer to understand and obey:

• Don’t try to explain God’s WAYS (Romans 11:33).

• Don’t try to change God’s MIND (Romans 11:34).

• Don’t try to NEGOTIATE with God or buy Him off (Romans 11:35).

• Don’t try to steal God’s GLORY (Romans 11:36).

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