Happiness Is Not Found In More Things....
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on May 19, 2016 (message contributor)
If having more would make us happy, we would never need the Tenth Commandment - "You shall not COVET.’ It is written especially for unhappy people who think that happiness is found in more things.
Have you heard the story about the king who fell into a serious depression? Nothing could lift his spirits. His servants tried everything—music, dancing, court jesters, lavish banquets, beautiful flowers—nothing seemed to help him. Finally an old and wise man came to the king with an unusual piece of advice. “O King, if you can obtain the shirt off the back of a truly happy man, you yourself will be happy.”
Upon hearing those words, the king ordered his army to search the four corners of the earth and bring him the shirt off the back of a truly happy man. Weeks passed, then months. Finally his soldiers returned. “O King, after many days and much searching, we found a truly happy man. But, your Majesty......the man was not wearing a shirt!”
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