Sermon Illustrations

Can Love Last a Lifetime?

“Psychology Today Magazine” had a very timely an article in their June 2010 volume. The title of the article was “Can Love Last a Lifetime?” and their answer was Yes! Here is a thoroughly secular source that has recently changed its position and discovered that love need not fade and need not disappear. Previously they said love would almost all but vanish within ten years of a marriage but now they say otherwise. Of course, most people already knew this and PT is a few millennia behind the curve but, none-the-less, they now say even science proves love can last.

Using brain scans, researchers at Stony Brook University here in New York have discovered that couples who have been married 20 plus years respond with as much passion towards each other as young couples in the early throes of romance.

You see, the first flush of infatuation, and the temporary intoxication that comes with a new and highly emotional relationship really can pave the way for a life of deepening commitment and growing love. And that is especially true for people of faith who have the model of Christ to emulate.

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