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Sanders wrote in his epic book Spiritual leadership, "The church has always prospered most when it has been blessed with strong and spiritual leaders who expected and experienced the touch of God in their service. The lack of such men is a symptom of the malaise that has gripped it. The clarion voices that used to make the pulpit the paramount influence in the land are tragically few. In a world aflame, the voice of the church has sunk to a pathetic whisper. It is the binding duty of those in positions of leadership to face up to the situation and do all in their power to see that the torch of a truly spiritual leadership is passed on to the younger men."

"The Church is painfully in need of leaders," lamented William Sangster. "I wait to hear a voice and no voice comes. I love the back seat in Synod and Conference. I would always rather listen than speak--but there is no clarion voice to listen to."

(Source: Excerpt from Spiritual Leadership, J.Oswald Sanders Spiritual Leadership. From a sermon by Greg Hocking, "Why does revival delay?" 2/16/2009)

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