Sermon Illustrations
  • When We Are No Longer Alert As God's Watchmen, We ...

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Mar 30, 2009 (message contributor)

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When we are no longer alert as God’s watchmen, we have a tendency to be insensitive to all the dangers around us.

I can’t help but be reminded of a frightening experience we had when my eldest son was working the late shift at a bakery. He came home dead tired one night and I was already asleep. He was hungry, put on a pan of ramen (noodles), put his earphones on to listen to some tunes, and fell asleep with his clothes on him and the pan on the fire. I awakened to smell smoke and went rushing into the kitchen to discover a pan where the soup had evaporated completely, the noodles were burnt into ashes, and the pan was literally melting on the burners. We were so close to a major conflagration. If we had stayed asleep, we could have been burned alive.

That was a physical danger. But there are plenty of spiritual and physical dangers that threaten those around us. The question is, are we preparing those around us for the days of infamy when they are likely to be betrayed or endangered, or are we sleeping comfortably through the night, oblivious to the flames of sin and its consequences?

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