Sermon Illustrations


The natural says that you must be conceived of a man and a woman, yet he was conceived of the Holy Spirit.

The natural says that your birth will bring your family joy, yet when He came He brought joy to the world and heaven. (At his birth, and angelic choir erupted in song, "Joy to the World, the Lord has come")

The natural says that he was delivered by His mother, yet His mother proclaimed that he would deliver her.

The natural says that you can get a drink of water, but you will thirst again, yet He told the woman at the well, If you drink of the water that I give, you will never thirst again.

The natural says that in this world you will have struggles, temptations, and unrest, yet He says that in me you will find righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

The natural says that if you sin, you will pay the price, yet He came to pay the price for our sins.

The natural says that if you beat a man, crucify him on a cross, and bury him in a grave, he is dead, yet he said he would be beaten, crucified and buried, but in three days, I will rise again.

The natural says every man for himself, yet Christ said "I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, you can be there also.

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