Sermon Illustrations

"Some critics have scorned the concept of a Jubilee year as being impossible to implement, however archaeologists have found records of deeds from the late biblical period containing references to it being in operation.

The first Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav Kook, taught that the basis for the Jubilee, Yovel, was spiritual rather than economical. God intended that it should restore a sense of unity to Israel, in the understanding that all are equal in His sight. Thus people would be encouraged to value and respect one another. Also, it would restore self-respect to the person who had sunk into poverty.

Just as the weekly Shabbat offers the opportunity to re-orientate oneself and see oneself in non-economic terms, so the Shmi’tah every seven years and the Jubilee year every fifty (after 7x7) would enable the entire society to put aside economic competition in order to realize the true inner value of each person." (Keren Hannah Pryor)

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