Sermon Illustrations
  • Fox Entertainment Group (Feg), Owned By News ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 7, 2008 (message contributor)

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Fox Entertainment Group (FEG), owned by News Corp (also owns HarperCollins’ Zondervan and HarperOne) has acquired Beliefnet, the largest online faith and spirituality Web destination. “FEG’s vast resources will enable Beliefnet to expand our audience, enhance our offerings and more effectively carry out our mission,” says Steven Waldman, Beliefnet CEO. The Pew Internet Project claims more than 82 million Americans and 64% of all Internet users use the Web for faith-related matters. puts the demand for religious and spiritually oriented materials (books, DVDs, software, etc). at over $8 billion. (CBA Retailers+Resources Industry Brief 12/10/07)