Sermon Illustrations
  • David Cho As A Young Man Was A Buddhist. He Was ...

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Feb 26, 2008 (message contributor)

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David Cho as a young man was a Buddhist. He was pretty devout but his life was hopeless. He lived in abject poverty in Korea and as happens a lot with people in those situations he was dying. In his case, he was dying of tuberculosis. TB often runs rampant in the slums.

He had heard that the God of the Christians helped people. In fact, he had heard that their God healed people. So he simply asked “their” God to help him.

And their God did. God healed this young Korean man. So Cho began to learn about Jesus and from Jesus. God gave Cho an abundance of Kingdom life. And now this same life flows through David Cho to thousands of others.

David Cho now heads Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea, which is regarded by many as the largest church in the world today. Every morning thousands of Korean worshippers gather at the sanctuary to pray at 5:00 am. They bring their morning tea because literally thousands cannot get in at 5:00 and must wait until 6:00. They gather to seek out the source of life and to learn his ways: Jesus. Those that can’t get in at 5:00 or 6:00 wait until 7:00 when perhaps they are finally able to join with others.