Sermon Illustrations

My family is different than many of yours. My parents hate my work and hate my relationship with Christ. As long as I never say anything, they will tolerate it but I can’t keep quiet about Christ. Since I became a Christian back around 2000, I have had to live with the fact that I was no longer connected with my physical, earthly family like I had been. Yes, we still watch out for each other and my siblings are much more apt to communicate with my wife and me. For instance, my parents refused to go to my baccalaureate because it was a religious service. This devastated me and I didn’t really know how to deal with it. I left for Bible College and didn’t receive anything in the way of letters from my parents and yet one of the ladies of the church continues to send me letters and gifts to this day. I realized that I had a new family and had no need for the former. Yes, I am still biologically related to my siblings but now I have hundreds and thousands of people I can call brother and sister and mother and father.