Sermon Illustrations
  • One Discovery That Has Affected Just About All Of ...

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Nov 10, 2007 (message contributor)

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One discovery that has affected just about all of us occurred in 1946.

As Dr. Percy Spencer was testing a component of a military radar called the magnetron tube he reached into his pocket to grab a chocolate bar that he had stashed for those times he felt a little hungry.

When he grabbed it he was surprised to find that the chocolate had melted.

At first Dr. Spencer thought that the enemy had sabotaged his food, so that he could not continue with his experiments. (remember this is 1946 when people thoug the communists were attacking everyone).

However later he thought that just maybe,

the military radar that he was playing around with had cooked his chocolate.

So to test his theory he took a handful of popcorn and placed it in front of the magnetron tube.

And to his amazement popped kernels of corn began shooting across his lab in all directions.

Imagine that some white coated science dude watching popcorn fly around the room.

Then like every big boy he began trying other things.

He blew up a few eggs and he literally ended up with egg on his face.

A little later he designed the first primitive microwave….

A 340 kilo, 1.6 metre tall machine, ladies how would you like one of those?

This changed the way restaurants served food.

They were able to serve fresher and hotter food and significantly reduce their waste.

And by 1976 more microwaves were being sold than any other oven.

And now just about every household has a microwave.

This certainly has affected the way people live and cook.