Sermon Illustrations
  • The Vice Fund Was Set Up In 2002 To Invest Solely ...

    Contributed by W F on Nov 4, 2007 (message contributor)

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The Vice Fund was set up in 2002 to invest solely in companies that … (Quote from their web site) “are engaged in the aerospace and defense industries, owners and operators of casinos and gaming facilities, manufacturers of gaming equipment such as slot machines, manufacturers of cigarettes and other tobacco products, and brewers, distillers, vintners and producers of other alcoholic beverages.” It goes on … “We believe that there are numerous investment opportunities in these sectors which have been largely overlooked by other funds.”

The Vice Fund – who would’ve believed it!? It’s a fund that is profiting from the fact that people are prone to sinful and destructive behaviour.

And let me tell you – for the time being they are on a winner! I don’t encourage you to invest there – but the fact that this fund even exists is evidence that the flesh is a real and effective enemy.