Sermon Illustrations
  • I've Been Set Afire By Ed Stetzer's Book, ...

    Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Oct 31, 2007 (message contributor)

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I’ve been set afire by Ed Stetzer’s book, Comeback Churches. He did a study that examined 324 churches from 10 denominations that recently experienced renewed growth by conversion after a significant period of plateau and/or decline.

Not all comeback churches were contemporary. Many were blended. Many emerging churches are embracing liturgical forms of worship, while others are finding Southern gospel music helps them. Contextual worship is best – worship that glorifies God and fits the context.

Every service remains tied to our ancient faith through at least one hymn. We don’t dare lose the rich heritage of our faith. Humility and desire to place others’ worship style preferences above their own was a key. Blended worship gives us the best of both worlds.