Sermon Illustrations
  • Seizing Opportunities: -- A Lady Once Writing To ...

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Oct 26, 2007 (message contributor)

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Seizing opportunities: -- A lady once writing to a young man in the navy, who was almost a stranger, thought, "Shall I close this as anybody would, or shall I say a word for my Master?" and lifting up her heart for a moment, she wrote, telling him that his constant change of scene and place was an apt illustration of the word, "Here we have no continuing city," and asked if he could say, "I seek one to come." Trembling she folded it, and sent it off. Back came the answer: "Thank you so much for those kind words. I am an orphan, and no one has spoken to me like that since my mother died, long years ago." The arrow, shot at a venture, hit home, and the young man shortly afterward rejoiced in the fullness of the gospel of peace. How often do we, as Christians, close a letter to those we know have no hope "as anybody would," when we might say a word for Jesus! Shall we not embrace each opportunity in the future?

(from The Biblical Illustrator Copyright (c) 2002 AGES and Biblesoft, Inc.)