Sermon Illustrations
  • Third And Fourth Graders In A Christian School ...

    Contributed by Ned Bartlebaugh on Oct 21, 2007 (message contributor)

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Third and Fourth graders in a Christian school were asked to complete this sentence: “By faith I know that God is…”

1. By faith I know that God is forgiving because he forgave in the Bible and he forgave me when I went in the road on my bike without one of my parents.

2. By faith I know that God is providingful because he dropped manna for Moses and the people and He gave my Dad a job.

3. By faith I know that God is faithful because the school bill came and my Mom did not know how we were going to pay it. Minutes later my Dad called and said he just got a bonus. My mom cried.

4. By faith I know that God is merciful because my brother has been nice to me for a year.

"Fresh Illustrations for Teaching and Preaching" p.92