Sermon Illustrations
  • Stay On Your Job And Work For The Lord

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Oct 6, 2007 (message contributor)

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You have to stay on your job and work for the Lord.

You can’t work for the Devil at night and for the Lord in the day.

He don’t give no part time pay, you have to work night and day.

You have to stay on your job to work for the Lord.

You have to stay on your job, to work for the Lord.

If you want to get good pay, you have to work good night and day.

You have to work for Him, just like He said.

You have to stay on your job, to work for the Lord.

You have to stay on your job, to work for the Lord.

This is what He said, that He would do for you.

He would reward you according to the kind of work you do.

You have to stay on your job to work for the Lord.

You have to stay on your job to work for the Lord.

This is what He said, He would reward you for the kind you do.

If you do good work your reward would be, if evil the same you see.

You have to stay on your job to work for the Lord.

She closed by writing: Please excuse all mistakes. I am just a 7th grade church-house school scholar. 91 years 7 months old, with 8 operations and a nerve shock, using my last teeth I cut, and scribbling this without glasses. Oh, give thanks unto the Lord! Sincerely, Carrie C. Smith.