Sermon Illustrations

By the power of His Holy Spirit filling and empowering us, let us fulfill the fervor of Dorothea Day’s poem “My Captain”:

Out of the night that dazzles me,

Bright as the sun from pole to pole,

I thank the God I know to be

For Christ the conqueror of my soul.

Since His the sway of circumstance,

I would not wince nor cry aloud.

Under that rule which we call chance

My head with joy is humbly bowed.

Beyond this place of sin and tears

That life with Him! And His aid,

Despite the menace of the years,

Keeps, and shall keep me, unafraid.

I have no fear, though strait the gate,

He cleared from punishment the scroll.

Christ is the Master of my fate,

Christ is the Captain of my soul.


Live in total dependence, absolute surrender, and complete obedience to God, in service to Him and others because Christ has truly set you free. You are not “free to do what you want any old time,” but God’s Spirit sets you free from slavery to Satan and to sin in order to love and serve Jesus and to please only Him.

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