Folks In The Arkansas Hills Have A Tradition Of ... PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007 (message contributor)
Folks in the Arkansas hills have a tradition of strong family ties, which has sometimes led to unfortunate results. Like the time that Jeb Hollings stole a mule from the McCrary place.
When the McCrary boys went to recover the mule, one of the Hollings clan shot Frank McCrary for trespassing. This started the blood feud that lasted almost three years.
An Arkansas feud is a serious thing. During those three years the Hollingses knew that the McCrary land was off limits. And the McCrary clan knew that they had best avoid the Hollings place. Jeb and Frank never went anywhere without an armed escort. The whole county took sides with either the Hollingses or the McCrarys.
Until one day when Jeb paid a visit on the McCrary house -- alone. Jeb Hollings said to Grandpa...
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Just The Other Day A Mild Mannered Young Man Came ... PRO
Contributed by Georgina Pando-Connolly on Apr 30, 2004
just the other day a mild mannered young man came into my office ready for a divorce. He complained that his bride was so bossy that she was driving him off the wall. He wanted things to change, immediately. I told him that he needed to build his self-esteem and that this would take time. Then I ...read more
I Read About A Pastor Who Decided To Experiment ... PRO
Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Jan 16, 2007
I read about a Pastor who decided to experiment with changing those sad statistics in his church. He made a list of 12 people who had recently been baptized in their church, and then he and his wife invited them over. Naturally, these new Christians were thrilled to be invited to their Pastor’s ...read more
Previous Engagement PRO
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 1, 2004
From Sermonillustrations.com Someone once wrote and asked Emily Post, the etiquette expert of another generation, "What is the correct procedure when one is invited to the White House but has a previous engagement?" Replied Post, "An invitation to ...read more
A Common Sense And Satisfying Interpretation Of ...
Contributed by Herman Abrahams on Aug 31, 2003
"A common sense and satisfying interpretation of our world suggests the designing hand of a superintelligence.… There is, I shall argue, no contradiction between holding a staunch belief in supernatural design and being a creative scientist.… Just as I believe that the Book of Scripture illumines ...read more
Quoted From 2004 Pastor's Conference Workshop At ... PRO
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 1, 2004
Quoted from 2004 Pastor’s Conference Workshop at Moody Bible Institute: As Bill Thrall put it, "When my fear of the power of sin is greater than my ...read more
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