Sermon Illustrations
  • According To A Recent Neilsen's Rating Poll, It ...

    Contributed by Tim Shepard on May 12, 2007 (message contributor)

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According to a recent Neilsen’s Rating Poll, it is the number one watched show among young people between the ages of 13 and 25. The same poll shows that it is also cthe most hated show of their parents. It has been called “A Modern Masterpiece,” “Great Family Fun,” and “A Perfect Satire of Family Life.” It’s also been called “Irreverent,” “Socially Unacceptable,” and “A Mockery of Christianity and All It Stands For.” I’m not talking about Desperate Housewives, Survivor, Dawson’s Creek, CSI, or even MTV’s Road Rules. Surprisingly the show I’m talking about is a cartoon that is aired multiple times each day and too many times to count throughout the week. It’s called The Simpsons