Sermon Illustrations

3. Christopher Reeve

a. Superman brought fame

b. Man of Steel – Hero #1 (A hero is someone who commits a courageous actions with ou considering the consequences, someone who is larger than life)

c. Horse Accident, Memorial Day 1995, on 3rd of 15 jumps, horse stopped and he fell, breaking his neck. He was unable to move or breath

d. Paraplegic– Hero#2 (an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles)

e. Created new life focused on future,

i. Autobiography “Still Me”

ii. Directed HBO film “In the Gloaning” (got 5 Emmy nominations)

iii. Established own charitable foundation to raise awareness and money for spinal chord research

iv. Speeches at Democratic Nat. Conven. And Acadamy Awards inspired people around the world

v. Testified before congress for better healthy insurance, lobbied Wash, working relationship with President Clinton….

vi. died Oct 10 @ 52 yrs old

vii. “Chris and Dana Reeve have gathered the will and the spirit to created a new life, one responsive and engaged and focused on the future”

? Heb 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the Joy set before Him endured the cross…”
