Sermon Illustrations
  • Introduction: Did You Hear The One About The ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007 (message contributor)

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Introduction: Did you hear the one about the chauffer whose job it had been to drive a famous scientist to a series of presentations about a new discovery. After several days, the two began to become pretty good friends. This despite the fact that the scientist taught bio-chemistry at a major university and the chauffer hadn’t even finished high school. One day after about the twentieth presentation, the chauffer jokingly turned to the scientist and said, "Professor, I believe I’ve heard your speech so many times, I could give it myself.” “The professor smiled and said, "I’ll bet you $50 you can’t." "You’re on," said the chauffeur.

They stopped the car. The two exchanged suits. They arrived at the banquet. The chauffeur dressed in a tuxedo, sat at the head table. The professor, with chauffer’s cap in hand, sat quietly at the rear of the room. When it came time for the program, the emcee introduced the chauffer as the famous professor. He stood up and gave the speech flawlessly. There was a standing ovation when he was finished.

Afterwards the emcee walked to the lectern and said, "You know, we are so fortunate to have such a fine resource with us tonight, and since we have a little extra time, let’s have some questions and answers. The chauffeur stood there dumbfounded. He pondered the first question. He didn’t have a clue about the question much less the answer. He cleared his throat in nervousness. He thought and thought. He considered pretending he was sick. Then he had a better idea. He took a deep breath, stood as tall and straight as he could, stepped to the mic and said, "That’s just about the dumbest question I ever heard. In fact it is so dumb I bet even my chauffeur could answer it."