Sermon Illustrations
  • More Born Again New Barna Research Finds 45% Of ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 16, 2007 (message contributor)

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More Born Again New Barna research finds 45% of all U.S. adults meet the Barna Group “born again” criteria. That’s up from 31% in ‘83. It hovered in the 36% to 43% range from ‘92 through ‘05. The current figure represents the largest single-year increase since ‘91. A 16-point rise among Baby Boomers since the early ‘90s is credited for the rise. With 53% of Boomers currently meeting the born again criteria, that generation has now surpassed 48% within the preceding two generations. Slightly more than a third Baby Busters and Mosaics fit the criteria. (Barna Online 3/27/06)